Inauguration of “Irregular” exhibition 01/13/13

This coming Friday, January 13, at the Hotel Saratoga in Palma, and thanks to the organization of Inma Bianchi and Arte Visión, we inaugurate the exhibition “Irregular” which aims to break with the monotony of the rectangle as the basis of visual art.

I hope you enjoy it!

More info about the Irregular project.

Nit de l’art 2022 in Palma

This past Saturday we were at the nit de l’art de Palma in the Plaza Mayor. Away from the center of the movement but surrounded by those who did not want to miss a single exhibition.

Thanks to all who visited us and took pictures with our works. I still love to see people’s reaction to my work.

Fira Molinera Marinera 2022

Last August 6th and 7th we were in the Molinar promenade taking art to the street.

Very good vibes, lots of pictures and some sales.

Inauguration July 14

“Superficial Materialism” is the name of my first exhibition in Mallorca and will open on July 14th at Moasis Cowork, Plaza de España 1.

It is a group of urban neo-expressionist style works created between 2021 and 2022.

I hope you like it.

You are very welcome.

Want to see my work used by other artists to create their art?

Watch this video

And by the way, subscribe to our youtube channel for more news.

Digital works – nft

Fernando Mairata's virtual gallery
Visit my virtual gallery

Physical works

Visit my portfolio !

<mark style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" class="has-inline-color has-vivid-red-color">Mis obras</mark>
Mis obras

Trabajo con tres tipos de materia, o mejor dicho de estados de la materia: líquido, gaseoso y sólido y pretendo que estos tres estados ayuden a realizar un tipo de obra que tenga una lectura distinta a tres distancias distintas, lejos (3+ metros), media (1,5 metros) y cerca (20 cm) y se trabaja también desde distancias distintas. (lee más sobre mi metodología)

Exit through the gift shop

The trivialization of art, lowering the artistic work from the pedestal and turning it into something vulgar and mundane. Love it!

Pink Punk